
Vermont Association of REALTORS® Mount Issues Mobilization Campaign to Fight Rent Control in Burlington

The Vermont Association of REALTORS® knows that increasing rent control regulations in Burlington will infringe on private property rights – and won’t fix the housing challenges.  Through an Issues Mobilization campaign supported by the REALTOR® Party, they presented the message that ultimately resonated with the governor, who vetoed a threatened rent-control ordinance.

In Burlington, Vermont, where renters dominate the housing market at roughly 65%, a ‘just cause’ rent control ordinance was proposed, threatening to require landlords to automatically renew a lease unless a tenant has violated a handful of ‘just cause’ requirements, and to cap allowable rent increases with the renewal of a lease.  Given the local housing demographics, opposing the proposal was going to be an uphill battle, but the Vermont Association of REALTORS® couldn’t allow the restrictive measures to pass without a fight.  With support from the REALTOR® Party, they managed to influence policy in a way they believe is in the best interests of the state and its residents.

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